Microblading Consultation


You are NOT eligible for this procedure if:

·       you are under 18 years of age (even with parental permission)

·       you are pregnant or nursing

·       you are prone to keloid scarring

·       you are on blood thinners (such as Coumadin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Vitamin E, Fish oil, etc) or have a bleeding disorder

·       you have an autoimmune disorder that may increase your risk of infection/delayed healing

·       you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation within the past 6 months (we require a general doctor’s note to confirm eligibility)

·       you have been on Accutane within 1 year of the procedure

It is advice NOT to undergo Microblading if you fall into any of the category below due to increased risk for infection and/or poor healing.  Please consult with your physician. In some cases, a general doctor’s note is required to confirm eligibility:

·       Has eczema or dermatitis in or around the brow area

·       Moles or raised areas in or around the brow area

·       Diabetic

·       Abnormally heart condition

·       Organ transplant

·       Or any medical condition that put you at an increased risk for bleeding, infection, and/or delayed wound healing.

Medications that can affect treatment and healing:

·     Thyroid medication (color fades more quickly)

·     Cholesterol and blood pressure medications (more color loss)

Other factors that can affect healing:

·     Chemical peels, fruit acids, microdermabrasion, laser treatments, mezzo therapy

·     Retinoids (vit A) and glycolic acid, lactic, or their blends thin the skin.  Must discontinue use 7 days prior to treatment and avoid using around the treated area for 30 days after during healing period.

·     Excessive use of facial powder and active ingredients in creams (anti-aging etc.) can cause premature fading.

·     Sunlight, light therapy, and artificial light from tanning beds, solariums, lasers, or intense pulse light therapy will cause premature fading of your brows. Always protect them with sunscreen once healed.

·     Scars- Retention of pigment is more difficult over scars. Please note, Microblading can go over flat scars only, not raised scars.

Risks Associated with Microblading

·       Color retention varies on each client due to many factors. Therefore, microblading is typically a 2-steps process for first-time clients. For clients with difficult skin types, multiple sessions may be needed to achieve desired results at the expense of the client.

·       Microblading breaks the protective barrier of your skin, therefore your chance of getting an infection will be increased.  Following the exact aftercare procedure will prevent infection and increase your chance of optimal healed results.

·   If you are not happy with your brows for whatever reason, the recommended process for removal is through laser tattoo removal or saline tattoo removal done by a certified professional at the expense of the client.  This is a risk with any permanent makeup procedure, ANYWHERE you go. Your alternative is to not undergo permanent makeup and to continue using makeup instead. There is no guaranteed on how your brows will heal and Six Sigma Brows does not offer any refund.

What You Need to Know Prior to the Procedure

·       DO NOT drink alcohol or caffeine at least 24 hours before the procedure to minimize bleeding.

·       DO NOT take Advil or other blood thinners such as Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen 48 - 72 hours prior to your procedure (extra strength Tylenol can be taken if you have low pain tolerance).

·       DO NOT exercise the day of the procedure and no excessive working out for 10 days after procedure.

·       DO NOT wax or tint your brows less than 6 days before the procedure.

·       DO NOT do anything harsh or exfoliating to your skin (chemical peel, laser etc.) prior to procedure.

·       DO keep your skin and body well hydrated for optimal healed result.

·       If you have recently tanned, this will affect the outcome of the healed color.

·       If you had laser removal or previous work done by someone else, the treated area now has more scar tissue and can affect the outcome of the result. More treatments may be necessary to have the skin take the color.

·       Botox should be done 3 weeks before or 3 weeks after the procedure.

·       Please note that you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.

What to Expect the Day of the Procedure

It usually takes 2 appointments for desired results.  The first appointment is about structure, design, and building hair-strokes.  The second appointment, between 30 – 60 days later, is to see how your skin takes the pigment and to go over any faded strokes to perfect your result even more.

The first step is brow mapping where a caliper will be used to measure out 6 points on the brows according to your natural facial features. The goal is to make your brows more symmetrical and balanced.  Once the pencil outline is done, you will get to see your new shape and approve to the design before your artist begins the microblading process.  The artist will perform the first pass of hair-strokes on the brows without any numbing to ensure the best color retention and crisp strokes.  After the first pass, the artist will use Ultra Duration numbing liquid for the rest of the procedure to help ease the discomfort.

Pre-Numbing prior to the first pass of microblading has been shown to decrease color retention and crispness in strokes, therefore Six Sigma Brows do not typically numb prior to procedure.  However, you can choose to add Pre-Numbing with the understanding that it has the potential to affect retention.

Once the 1st session is done, you will come back for the perfecting session between 30 – 60 days from initial appointment.  The goal of this second appointment is to go over any faded strokes and to make any necessary adjustments to achieve more symmetry and fullness to complete the brows.

What to Expect After the Procedure

Immediately following your procedure, your new brows will appear to be darker, bolder in color and shape, and more sharply defined. You may feel that your brows are too dark and thick. Over the next 2-3 days, your brows will appear even darker and thicker as the ink on the surface dried up and flakes begin to form. Let the flakes naturally fall off. Do not pick or peel. It may take up to 14 days for flaking of the brows to be over. Following the aftercare steps will decrease the flaking process (it’s normal to not get them at all!).  Your brows will become lighter in color, thinner in shape and more natural looking as healing progresses.  Patience is key!

You may NOT get the area wet or apply any kind of products (except for the recommended ointment) for at least 10 days after procedure.  NO makeup on the area for at least 2 weeks.  NO direct sun exposure until your brows are fully healed after at least 30 days (it is recommended to use sunscreen to protect them).

Common Reactions of the Healing Process

 Day 1: Wow! I have full eyebrows!

Day 2-4:  OMG Truc, I don’t like this color! My brows are too dark and thick!

Day 5-7:  My brows are flaking and falling off! They’re getting lighter and patchy in some places.

Day 8-10: My brows are gone!

Day 14-30:  Yay! My brows are coming back!

After Perfecting Session (first time clients only):  My Six Sigma Brows look even better after touchup!